Since Obsession is indestructible and it has knockback, you can bonk things. We have a 60% faster hit recovery which again Spirits tend to have a massive amount of hit recovery on them. Because if you're running two Spirits that are 35 each, obviously you have 70% so at the very least.

We also have a 65% faster cast rate which is great. Unless they put a plus on this rune word, it's going to push people away from it. We have plus 4 to all skills, they're trying to make this Diablo 2 Resurrected new Ladder runeword into an item that would be something you use over a sword and shield or over an Oculus and a Spirit shield, etc. We also have a 24 chance to cast level 10 weaken when struck which signifies that they're trying to help out a character who might be a little bit weaker like a sorceress. Standout Stats (Pros) Of Obsession Runewordĭ2R 2.4 Obsession runeword is indestructible because it is a Zod Rune. Therefore, D2R Obsession rune word is a little bit lower as far as the castrate is concerned.ĭiablo 2 Resurrected Obsession Runeword AttributesĢ4% Chance To Cast Level 10 Weaken When Struck +4 To All Skills Also if you have two perfect Spirits that's 35% which is higher than this particular rune word. However, if they could beef this up to plus 5 that would that would solidify it as a real option. The Spirit and Hoto do have plus 5 skills whereas this only has plus 4. Because the 70 to all resistances really does challenge a Spirit in Hoto. Is this staff going to be better than a Spirit and a Hoto that really is the question? The truth is, it has the potential to be. Staff is for all intents purposes very similar to using a Spirit and Hoto.

For a 6 socket runeword, it's going to be the big one in the game. While there are powerful options available for heroes choosing to spec in different weapon types, this is most often used in an ethereal Berserker Axe due to the fact it offers the most damage per second for a one-handed weapon and the fact the Zod rune renders it indestructible.Obsession is a staff and it is a 6 socket Diablo 2 Resurrect Ladder runeword. However it is expensive to make, mainly because of the Zod Rune requirement. (disabled 1.08– 1.09d) Breath of the Dying is the rune word ' Vex Hel El Eld Zod Eth' for weapons in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.īreath of the Dying is extremely useful for a melee character, and arguably the most powerful weapon rune word available outside of Ladder Characters.